Celebrating Progress at Goldfish Swim School


This post is in partnership with Goldfish Swim School, as usual all opinions expressed are my own.

So it’s been 6 weeks since the kids started their swimming lessons at Goldfish Swim School and they LOVE it. I’m honestly amazed by how well they’re doing and I wanted to brag share their progress.

As I mentioned in my previous post (read it here) my daughter was not very comfortable in the water when she first started and her teacher advised us that we need to get her to the pool as often as we can to raise her comfort level. My husband has been taken them and we’ve seen her come full circle. She’s excited to get int the pool again and she’s losing all the fear that she initially had. At a matter of fact, in the last two classes, I sat in the gallery watching as I saw her instructor clapping, high-fiving her and throwing thumbs up signs to me indicating that my daughter had met a milestone. She’s been bravely breath control in an underwater dip. Her instructor thought her a technique that she practices even when she’s home. I love seeing her enthusiasm and how proud she is of herself.  To encourage the kids, they’re given ribbons to celebrate their small victories.

My son is also doing really well and I can see his impressive progress as well. He’s also learned to hold his breath while underwater, practicing paddling, and the superman glide. Next class he’s going to learn to paddle without the floats so we’re really excited about that.

Making Progress at Goldfish Swim School

I’m really happy with their progress and as the summer winds down and my kids instructors are heading back to college I love how Goldfish Swim School is handing the transition for the kids. In my daughter’s class, the new teacher has been shadowing her usual instructor for the past few weeks so the kids can get used to her and she can get an understanding of their skill level and personalities.

Goldfish Swimschool

We’re really looking forward to their progress during the next few weeks and I will be sure to keep you updated.


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