5 Weight Loss Tips for New Moms

5 Weight Loss Tips for New Moms

Today, we have a guest post by Amelia Luz Estrella of Rez Beauty Fit. Amelia is a wife and mom of three who did a mind-blowing body transformation by losing 120 pounds. She shared that journey here! Recently, Amelia had another baby she’s back to share some weight loss tips for new moms. 

Hello, loves! My name is Amelia and I am the mother of 3 boys ages 8 months, 4-years-old and 5-years-old. We all know how hard it could be to lose “the baby weight”. My first 2 boys are 10 months apart and after having my second son, I was weighing close to 300lbs!

How a real mom lost 120 lbs

I said to myself “enough his enough” and I took action. With discipline, hard work, tears, sweat, clean eating and exercise I lost 120 pounds and maintained the weight loss for 3 years. Within the third year, I found out that I was pregnant with baby #3. I was not only nervous about having 3 kids, I was also nervous about pregnancy weight gain. Luckily during my first transformation, the biggest thing that I learned was how to live a balanced  life — as far as my fitness and health. So with my third pregnancy, I did the best that I could to stay active and fit. Each pregnancy is different, there are some things that are in our control and other things that are not in our control. All we can do is do the best that we can. During this pregnancy, I suffered severe migraines so some days I could not workout at all.

[Tweet “I was not only nervous about having 3 kids, I was also nervous about pregnancy weight gain.”]

After having my third baby boy, I was ready to get my body and active lifestyle back so again I took action. As soon as I was cleared to workout, I started my regimen with the 21-day fix which I loved for 2 reasons: the workouts were only 25 minutes and it helped me control my food portions. I then started to dance again. It’s all about taking the right steps towards your goal. Even if it’s a small step. Those positive steps to the right direction will eventually add up and all of your hard work and dedication will pay off.

My before and current!! I say current because I am still on my journey?? I am sooooooo proud of myself. This process is more than just weight loss and a toned body. It’s a mental one too. Each day I train hard and over come not only the physical obstacles but the mental ones too! The “I can’t” , the “I am too tired ” , emotional eating etc. there is soooo much more to a transformation than just the physical. I am a mother of 3 little ones 5 and under . I can easily let my mind win, let the excuses win, but I chose not too because I am stronger than that! And so are you! If you are ready to transform with me message me on Facebook your height , weight, and goal weight to www.facebook.com/Amelia.luz.estrella⭐️to see if you qualify for my fitness challenge group! #transformation #workinprogress #process #journey #workout #exercise #postpartum #fitmom #getit #shakeology #cardio #abs#squats

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Here are 5 tips that helped me lose 30 lbs after having baby #3 and will definitely help you lose the baby weight as well:

1. Wear a girdle, postpartum abdominal binder, or compression.
I am Latina and wearing a “Faja” (girdle) in our culture is a big deal! My grandma would always scold me to wear one so I made sure I did. Haha! After having 3 babies, I realized how much wearing one especially right after having a baby has helped. It helped keep my postpartum belly under control, it also helped heal my Diastasis recti (which is the separation of the abdominal muscles).The purpose of wearing a postpartum girdle is to promote healing through compression.


2. Clean up your nutrition.


Eating right plays a huge role in losing the baby weight! Eat six (6) portioned healthy meals a day every 2 -3 hours. This has helped me control my hunger, especially while nursing. Stay away from sweets and processed foods! There is always a better option so choose wisely. Have a cheat meal once a week and enjoy it with no regret! I follow the 80/20 rule which means I eat 80% clean and 20% indulge. It’s ok to indulge once in awhile. Do not think of this as a diet, think of it more as a lifestyle change. Make sure that you have a balance and you’re not feeling so deprived.



3. Exercise.




Once you get the “Okay” from the doctor and cleared to workout it’s time to start a workout regimen. Start with light exercises and each week as you get stronger do exercises that are a little more challenging. Proper nutrition and exercise go hand in hand.


4. Create a daily schedule.


[Tweet “Schedule in your workout as if it’s your job and if you don’t go you will get fired! “]


We all know that with a brand new baby and sleepless nights it can be so hard to get motivated to workout. Believe me, I know! But I always say where there is a will there is a way. Have no time? Most likely not but that is why we have to MAKE TIME! Schedule in your workout as if it’s your job and if you don’t go you will get fired! Of course, babies are super unpredictable and we will definitely not always be on schedule but we have to make time for ourselves. Even if it’s 10 mins a day, get that workout in! For the first few months, I put my baby in the bassinet while I did a quick workout. If he was fussy, I would put on my boba wrap and do a “babywearing workout” like I said ladies, where there is a will there is a way!




[Tweet “If he was fussy, I would put on my boba wrap and do a “babywearing workout””]


5. Create a Vision Board.



Creating a vision board brings your goals to life! It creates that visual which in turn becomes motivation.   You can make a vision board by finding pictures from magazines, books, the internet or whatever inspires you. Choose words and images that inspire you and makes you feel good!   It’s all about vision, purpose, and belief in yourself!


Amelia is also a fitness coach and instructor and helps women on their weight loss journey. You can find her on Facebook, Instagram and on YouTube.

How was your experience losing weight after having your baby/babies?
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galkin.viviana [email protected]