The past 7 weeks…the fourth trimester.
I know it’s been a while since you’ve seen an image of me on the blog. I didn’t want to reappear with a glammed image of myself because that’s not my reality these post-partum days aka the fourth trimester. I’ve been living in this gifted PinkBlush Maternity robe since delivery, it’s pretty so that enough for me since I am in the depths of motherhood. This new year I want us to get to know each other much better and what better way to start the year than to share a photo of me with my baby at home in my robe?
It’s been 7 weeks since I gave birth to my third child, the baby girl you all waited patiently with me for. It’s honeymoon for us, I love the newborn stage. Everyone talks about the sleepless nights and the long hours nursing but I love that. I’m loving pouring all my love into this new human. I remember a few days after coming home from the hospital thinking to myself that I couldn’t remember the last time I felt so freaking happy for no reason at all. Maybe it’s the excitement of everyone especially the older kids around me but my energy is just so good and balanced. I feel like my daughter and I are still one, she continues to get life from me as I nurse her and that in turn gives me life as I watch her grow. Everything is special, each yawn, sniffing her sweet baby breath, the warm snuggles, when she falls asleep in my arms and the intense stares. During one of the stare sessions, she smiled at me last week for the first time. Best. Feeling. Ever.
In the past 7 weeks, I’ve been away from her only a few times and only out of necessity, it’s just not what I need at this time. I needed a breather much sooner with my first two kids but emotionally I was in a different place. It’s also cold out and I struggled with a terrible bout of seasonal depression last winter that sent me back to therapy. I was scared that would be my fate again this year and I was ready to go back if need be but I’m happy to report that I’m doing good this year. This child is truly a gift from God, her name means light and she really is a light in all of our lives.
Our days haven’t been without challenge though as life happens at times. Just minutes after we got back home one morning from dropping the big kids off to school last month someone hit our SUV that was parked outside on the street, it was scary because I had sat in it and had my oatmeal while talking to my husband on the phone just minutes before. The baby and I went inside at 8:30am and my neighbor witnessed the incident at 8:45 am. Whoever did that left the scene, leaving us with the expense and headache (thank God for full coverage insurance) but I handled it all like a true G, instead of spiraling emotionally I focused on the fact that no one was hurt and that God protected us and for that I am very thankful. Then two weeks later my husband was hospitalized (he’s recovering really well now). It was a scary time and tough for me going back and forth ensuring he’s okay and the kids were okay but somehow I never allowed all of this to shake me. I prayed and expressed gratitude through it all and I think that held me together.Fortunately, by Christmas Eve my hubby was back home and all the dust settled and we were able to enjoy the baby’s first Christmas as a family. It was a beautiful time and having weathered those storms as a family made it even more special.
Anyway, that was my life in the past 7 weeks. Beauty and the beast.
What were your first 7 weeks postpartum like?