I really should title this post “I’m trying my best to be more consistent’ this could very well be a journal entry but I’ve learned a few lessons that I think are worth sharing. We’re all in this together so why not share the love of what works for me?
The past three weeks, I’ve had more energy than I’ve had all year long and it’s making a huge difference in my life. My first few years as a mother, I was really fit and healthy but the past year and a half have been a struggle. I want to be consistent, not just for vanity but as I mentioned earlier this year I am having a little battle with high cholesterol which I have been fighting with my diet. Anyway, I spend the majority of my time with my kids and between caring for them and the other 2 million mommy things I have to get done, I’ve managed to squeeze in exercise at least 3 times for the past few weeks. Here’s what I’ve been doing:
1.Wake up early to exercise. {Most effective}
The only way that I can guarantee that I can get an intense workout as a mom is to wake up before my family to exercise. Whether it’s to do a quick HIIT at home or hit the gym, this gets me all pumped up for the day. I have to admit that I’m not a huge fan of heading outside at 5am when it’s cold but this week I did and as I shared on Snapchat the endorphin high after my workout was well worth braving the cold.
2. Exercise with your kids.
Waking up early daily is just not realistic. My day sets off really good and I love how energetic I am but I usually crash the next morning. On days when I just can get myself out of bed, I like to make playtime with the kids exercise time for myself. Kids love competition so making a challenge out of your workout is a sure way to get them invested. My daughter and I do jump rope challenges or races. It’s fun and I actually feel the burn when we’re finished. If your kids are babies or toddlers you can set them down with toys while you do a workout DVD or have them hang out in their stroller, talking about strollers you can always invest in a jogging stroller.
3. Walk more.
I love to walk, that’s one of the perks of living in New York City. I always discover new cool things and sights when I walk and it gives me the best feeling. What’s awesome is that it doesn’t even feel like I am exercising. One of my favorite things to do with my little family is to go for an evening walk after dinner. Walking is a great way to exercise when you’re not in the mood to exercise.
That’s three ways that I manage to exercise as a busy mom. What are your secrets?
Shout out to my mom for the awesome photos 🙂