Am I the only mom who feels the overwhelming need to make my kids summer vacation INCREDIBLE? I mean if you look at social media you would get the impression that everyone’s kids are having the time of their lives, doing really exciting things EVERY single day. Whenever we go out now that the kids are on summer break, people ask them how is their summer going and what are they doing. Maybe I’m looking at it all wrong but I hear “Are you having loads of fun every single day?” Well, truth be told I’m just trying to maximize family time.
Yes, it’s summer but my husband and I are both working parents. My kids are fortunate in that I work from home and my husband’s work hours allow for quality time together. Their days are mostly low key they read, play a great deal with their toys and they ride their bikes or scooters at least 6 days a week.
Until last week I carried around a bit of mom guilt about them not having an incredible time daily but then I had an Oprah like ah-ha moment. My kids woke up and asked to go to the beach on a Wednesday, I had a few things to do for work and my husband needed to go to work that afternoon.
I initially told the kids no but they were so sad, my husband and I reasoned that we could probably do a quick trip. We asked them if they were okay with that and off we went. This was so unplanned that I forgot to bring some “necessary” stuff but I learned something important as a parent. The only thing that’s necessary is the time that we spend together, the fact that they had to do something they really wanted to do made them unbelievably happy even if it wasn’t for hours on end. I didn’t have to plan the perfect long day on the beach, no we just had to go and that was enough to make them happy and in turn made us as parents happy.
It was important that I share this life lesson with you. A few hours is enough, you are enough and making the most of your time is enough. Your kids will remember the quality, not the quantity.
How do you maximize family time?