Managing Stress During the COVID-19 Pandemic

Managing Stress during the COVID-19

Managing Stress During the COVID-19 Pandemic

It feels like we’re living through a nightmare, no?Thousands of people worldwide are sick worldwide with COVID-19, and we’re all just trying to deal with day-to-day life while we’re social distancing/quarantined, work, homeschool, and take care of our families. All of this makes it HARD for us to prioritize self-care as moms. The urgency dealing with COVID-19 may make us feel like we need to put self-care on the backburner, but the truth is that this is the time to intensify it.

As women and mothers, we’re the nucleus of our homes. We need to keep ourselves as physically and mentally as healthy as possible. Here are ways we can self-care during this pandemic:

Indoor Workouts

One of the best ways to fight the stress of COVID-19 is exercise, and while we may not feel like it (I rarely feel like it). We have to make it a part of our routine. I’ve been doing workouts with my kids a few days a week, and it’s so much fun. We love the Blogpilates and PopSugar Fitness channel on YouTube. We’ve also taken advantage of free workouts that celebrities have offered, like Debbie Allen’s dance classes on Instagram. The endorphin rush is exactly what we need in these times.

Fresh Air

I try to get outside for some fresh air on a daily basis. Sometimes I take the kids but most days I do it by myself just to get a moment that feels normal. I like leaving a few windows opens as well, even if it’s cold to get the air circulating through our home.

Virtual Therapy

Before COVID-19, I was already seeing an art therapist I’m so happy that my therapist can see me virtually now. This has been key for me to manage my anxiety and worry during this time. Ask your therapist if you can meet online or use apps like TalkSpace to find virtual therapists. If you need to speak to someone to process all the feelings that are coming up now, do so. Please don’t allow your mental health to deteriorate during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Use social media wisely.

This is the time to use social media to connect with others, to create communities with likeminded people, to make extra money, and to stay in touch with your loved ones. Unfollow/mute people and pages who post negative things and look for others who are uplifting and can help you feel good when you’re feeling down.

Focus on what you can control.

I usually write a daily gratitude list, but during this pandemic, I had to shift and start also writing a short list of things that I CAN CONTROL. For instance, I can wash my hands, avoid touching my face, remind my kids to do the same, clean all the high touch areas in my home several times per day.

Distract yourself.

We shouldn’t focus on COVID-19 24/7, but since it’s basically the only thing the news and everyone is talking about, then we have to distract ourselves. Use this time to catch up on your reading, get free audiobooks from Audible and Scribd. Do things that will distract you from what’s going on, take a free class on Brit & Co. etc.

Start Meditating.

Meditation has been beneficial for me over the last few years. I try to start my day with meditation, but I sometimes stop whatever I’m doing to meditate and clear my head if I feel stressed. If you’re new to meditating, there are apps and tons of videos on YouTube you can use to learn and apps like Calm, Aura, Headspace, and more.

Deep Breaths

When all else fails, taking a few deep breaths can help you immediately feel less stressed. You can even set reminders on your watch to take deep breaths throughout the day.

Set up dates with friends online.

Set updates with your close friends to hang out online; you don’t have to live in isolation. Chatting and laughing with friends will help you to feel less stressed.

Anyway, I hope these tips are helpful to you. Stay well friends, take care of yourself, and let me know below how you’ve been managing stress during the COVID-19 Pandemic over the last few weeks.

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