Is it Eczema? Signs and Symptoms of Eczema Every Parent Should Know

Signs and Symptoms of Eczema
This post is sponsored. As always, all opinions are my own.

Signs and Symptoms of Eczema Every Parent Should Know.

I was compensated by Med-IQ through an educational grant from Sanofi Genzyme and Regeneron Pharmaceuticals to write about the signs, symptoms, and treatments available for eczema/atopic dermatitis. All opinions are my own. 

Don’t you wish your baby was born with a manual similar to those you get when you purchase a new car? You can turn to the page corresponding to the issue and voila, it’s fixed—no need to obsess or wonder. I wish my kids did, especially my firstborn. When she was a newborn, I knew nothing about babies, so when she came down with a nasty bout of cradle cap, I took her to the pediatrician, who was just as perplexed. Is it Eczema? He wasn’t sure. I ended up switching to another pediatrician who right away identified what it was. Years later, we realized that she does have Eczema on her feet. As we head into the colder months, it can be challenging for people who struggle with Atopic Dermatitis or Eczema. In honor of the 31 million Americans who have some form of Eczema, October is National Eczema Awareness month. 

Now when it comes to Eczema, misinformation is rampant on the internet. I’m happy to partner with Med-IQ for a two-part series to share accurate, current Eczema information. For part one of this series, let’s chat signs and symptoms of Eczema. 

Symptoms of Eczema

Itchy rash

An itchy rash that may be red or darker brown, purple, or ashen grey on dark skin is one of the symptoms of Eczema or Dermatitis. This rash may appear during any season but would most likely occur during extreme weather–too cold or too hot, so most people suffer mostly in the  winter or summer. 

Skin Reactions triggered by allergens 

Skin reactions triggered by food sensitivity, pets, and/or wool clothing.

Covers a large area of skin

One form of Eczema, Atopic Dermatitis, may cover a large skin area. 

Filaggrin Deficiency

One indicator is a filaggrin deficiency that results in “leaky” skin, which weakens the skin barrier causing increased sensitivity to allergens and irritants. Sufferers with the most severe cases of Atopic Dermatitis tend to have a filaggrin deficiency.

ps: If you notice that any of these symptoms occur repeatedly, it may be Atopic Dermatitis, which is considered a chronic condition. This form of Eczema can be agonizing for patients trying to deal with the pain and, in some cases, cover a large portion of their skin. 

Signs and Symptoms of Eczema

Signs of Eczema

Age Group

Eczema is common in certain age groups. As parents, it’s important to note that it occurs mostly in babies and toddlers, but some teens and adults also struggle. 


Eczema isn’t necessarily genetic, but some people may have predisposing genes making the likelihood stronger. 

Seems unavoidable

Eczema may be unavoidable, regardless of what you use, so if you’re noticing that you’re trying to prevent dry itchiness, but it occurs, that might be a sign of Eczema. 

I hope you found this information helpful to get an idea if you or your family members have Eczema. Eczema is a serious condition that can impact us financially, mentally, and emotionally so take good care of yourself or any family member struggling with Eczema. 

PS: Med-IQ is conducting an anonymous survey and would appreciate your input. The survey will take less than 10 minutes to complete. Survey responses are shared only in aggregate. Your responses to these survey questions will provide Med-IQ with important information about your experiences with atopic dermatitis, which will help us develop future educational initiatives. Once you’ve completed the survey, you will have the option of providing your email address to be entered into a drawing administered by SOMA Strategies to win 1 of 10 $100 VISA gift cards. 

If you choose to enter, your email address will be used only to randomly draw the winners and notify them of their prize. 

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This post is sponsored. As always, all opinions are my own.

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