Declutter and Make Money on Facebook Marketplace

Facebook Market

Thank you Facebook Marketplace for sponsoring this post. There’s something for everyone!

You know what’s one of the things I feel like moms don’t talk about enough – baby clutter. Having a third baby only reminded me of how much stuff these little humans need. Clothes – lots and lots of clothes that they seem to grow out of within weeks, bulky products, and big toys. A baby will take over your house in no time, but things get a bit better as they get a bit bigger. Now that my baby girl is a year old and it’s the holidays, I’m happy to declutter and get rid of the baby stuff she’s now grown out of before we roll into 2019. As I thought about reclaiming my space, I figured I could make a little money in the process with so much of her clothes never worn, or worn only once, and products that are almost as good as new. One of my friends mentioned that she buys all her baby’s clothes on Facebook Marketplaceso I decided to give it a try as it seemed like the least stressful option to get everything out of my house quickly.

Facebook Market

Like most of us modern moms, I basically live on Facebook, sharing updates and keeping up with my family and friends. Facebook Marketplace was a natural and, honestly, easy choice for me to sell since I didn’t have to download a new app or go through the daunting process of setting up a new account. All I did was take pictures of everything I wanted to sell, and upload it which was a simple process.

Facebook Market

So far I’ve sold three things, and it was easy to chat with the moms who bought from me over Messenger, and I even checked out the public profiles of the moms I communicated with before selling to them. Over the next few weeks, I plan to both sell more toys that my older children have outgrown too as they’re getting new ones for the holidays and I know moms are holiday shopping on Facebook Marketplace for not just baby, but the whole family.

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