Remaining inspired while feeding my spirit is very important to me. I’m a strong believer that the way you go to bed at night sets up your morning and how you start your morning determines the direction of your day. I try to relax at night and I like to listen to a podcast as I unwind and prepare for bed. Depending on my mood or how my day went I would listen to either Joel Osteen , The Daily Boost or Trish Blackwell (All free on itunes).
[Tweet “I listen to podcasts at night to fill my mind with positivity before I sleep”]In the morning, I use my Gratitude app. on my iPad to take note of all the things that I am grateful for and then I pray. For the past year, I’ve been doing bible study plans on Youversion Bible app. that I downloaded from iTunes. My favorite plan so far is the Joyce Meyer Promises for Everyday life that I am currently doing. This app. is free and what I appreciate most about it is that it will sync with all of my devices automatically so I can stay on track. Also, I try to read the The Daily Motivator every morning but I don’t always have the time so I slip it in during the day while I’m out and about.
My goal is to keep my life positive and drama free and since I am naturally a pessimist I like to read uplifting sites such as Positively Positive and one of my new favorites, Tiffy Talks which is written by Tiffany Wilson one of the awesome bloggers I connected with at the Blogging While Brown Conference.
[Tweet “My goal is to keep my life positive and drama free and since I am naturally a pessimist”]Besides reading uplifting material, I sometimes listen to music that makes me feel better from my iTunes library or using the Pandora app. I like conscious reggae and neo soul music for those moments when my soul needs a little nurturing.
Mobile technology and social networking are integral parts of bloggers lives. Many of us balance many different roles and are always on the move so we must get inspiration on the go. While I was at the Blogging While Brown Conference, along with a few other bloggers I participated in the AT&T Inspired Mobility Campaign. I shared how I use technology to find inspiration on the go with Eva of Socamom.
[Tweet “Bloggers share how they use technology to stay inspired on the go @att #inspiredmobility”]Check out the videos from the campaign!
Isn’t it wonderful to learn how others are using technology to stay inspired?
I hope this post gives *you* plenty inspiration and ideas to remain inspired on the go.
How do you stay inspired on the go?