Night Routine for Working Moms | How I De-Stress before Bed

Night Routine for Working Moms | How I De-Stress before Bed

This post is sponsored by Ivory. As usual, all opinions are my own.

A few weeks ago, on a Wednesday night, I threw myself on my couch around 11 pm and laid there stiff and unable to move until 2 am. I was exhausted. Not only had I worked, cared for kids, cooked dinner, nursed the baby and supervised homework that evening but after the kids fell asleep, I cleaned for two more hours. I was so tired; I could barely think of anything beyond the fact that I needed to make a change.  That’s life with three young children; I feel like I run a marathon every day even the days that I never set a foot outside of the house. My husband is very hands-on, he jokes that his side hustle is fatherhood, but even with the two of us around, three kids is challenging. I’m by no means complaining, but I noticed that I started a bad habit of not de-stressing before bed so I felt wired up constantly. I knew a change was necessary for my self-care so I decided to switch up my night routine. Now that I am intentionally making time to de-stress, I feel much better during the day too. I know through conversations with other moms that de-stressing can be hard so I wanted to share my night time routine and how I de-stress before bed to give you some inspiration.

Allot yourself time for chores and don’t go beyond it,

Trying to deep clean nightly was taking a toll on me, and I started to feel physically and mentally exhausted. These days,  I give myself 30 minutes to clean up, so I don’t get carried away. I focus on the most immediate cleaning needs, and I’m done for the night.

Take a calming shower.


My nightly shower is sacred because I only have a few minutes for a quick shower in the morning. At night, I start to de-stress in the shower.  I’m selfish during my night shower, and I stay in the bathroom for as long as I want. It’s my little escape from adulting. As many of you know by now, Ivory Soap is one of my family’s holy grail products. I love how pure and gentle it is. After my shower, my skin feels clean but not stripped of its natural oils. While Ivory Soap packaging is now updated to reflect a new era, my confidence in Ivory Soap hasn’t changed since it’s still made with only pure ingredients and is free of dyes and heavy perfumes. I can’t imagine using anything else to de-stress, using a product that’s not as pure as Ivory Soap would probably cause me to stress about toxins.


Do something that YOU really enjoy.

After my shower, I like do something fun. These days, I either write in my guided journal, read a book, watch stand up comedy or watch YouTube haul videos. None of these take more than 20 minutes and usually gets me very calm and sometimes I even fall asleep especially if I read.

Avoid using your phone or tablet.

It’s easy to get carried away on social media at night. Trust me, I understand that struggle; you don’t want to lose sleep because you got caught up scrolling down the timelines of people you don’t even know. Plus, social media tends to overstimulate us.

Have a cup of bedtime tea.

Some nights I also have a cup of tea, I’ve shared this before, but I had stopped doing it for some time. I usually purchase different bedtime teas that help me to feel very relaxed.

As moms, it’s important for us to be well-rested so we can take good care of our family. This bedtime routine has done wonders for my wellness, and I feel less uptight and stressed than I did before I started it.

How do you de-stress before bed?



Night routine for working moms

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