Must-See for Badass Moms | Breaking In Movie Tickets Giveaway

Breaking In Movie - Gabrielle Union

This is a sponsored post. All opinions shared are my own. 

You can feel free to judge me, but I went to see an adult movie at the movie theater for the first time since 2012 last week. I shared this on Instagram but what I didn’t share was the movie that I wanted to see so badly, Breaking In. I’ll let it be known right now that I am a big fan of Gabrielle Union, she’s such a talented actress, and after I was lucky enough to be in the same room with her a few years ago, I gained a greater respect for her and her work. I love a good thriller and combine that with the fact that the lead is one of my favorite actresses, and it’s about a badass mama, so after I watched trailer I was in.

Here’s the synopsis:

Gabrielle Union stars as a woman who will stop at nothing to rescue her two children being held hostage in a house designed with impenetrable security. No trap, no trick and especially no man inside can match a mother with a mission when she is determined on Breaking In.

The movie didn’t disappoint, it was exciting with an excellent cast, and I was intrigued from start to finish. The storyline was a testament to our persistence as mothers to any and everything we can for our children. I know would do just about anything for my three and being a mother has made me realize that I’m braver, stronger and more resilient than I ever imagined. I’m not going to give you any spoilers but one theme that kept coming up in the movie was how underestimated Gabrielle Union’s character, Shaun is. Don’t ever underestimate a mom and the lengths she would go for her little ones.

Breaking In Movie Tickets Giveaway

If you haven’t seen Breaking In yet make it a priority to get to the theaters to see it ASAP I’m such a fan that I’m really excited to host a giveaway so 10 of you can win Breaking In Fan Packs. This prize package includes a signed poster, t-shirt & movie tickets for 2. You can in only 20 Seconds here. Good Luck!

If you’re not one of the ten lucky winners, you can buy tickets here.

Breaking In Movie - Gabrielle Union

Read official rules here.

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