Pimples, dry skin, eczema, psoriasis, sun damage and fine lines are skin issues that we don’t want to deal with. We all want to look younger, with a flawless complexion and glowing skin. When we face skin issues, we run out to buy beauty products that promise miracles but our focus should really be our your diet.That’s right, you can eat your way to the pretty skin. Here are foods for pretty skin that should be on your grocery list.
1. Hibiscus Tea
When I was growing up in the Caribbean, hibiscus was everywhere. I loved how beautiful the flowers were and would frequently pick them to decorate my hair (to the disdain of my neighbors) or just to sniff. Anywho, only a few months ago I read an article on its health effects and I was completely floored. Hibiscus? Really? Turns out hibiscus tea produces collagen which is essential to keep your skin firm and protected from damage. Yes, that means you’ll look younger longer. The tea is made from the same gorgeous flowers that I loved as a child. So grab a cup, ladies!
2. Tropical Fruits
Maybe tea isn’t really your thing. How about some yummy tropical fruits like papaya, pineapple, and kiwi? Yup, I’m here for that. These fruits are very rich in vitamin C which is your skin’s best friend because it keeps it hydrated and prevents fine lines, wrinkles, and dryness.
3. Carrots
Bugs Bunny’s favorite food has fabulous effects on our skin. Carrots contain the antioxidant carotene which becomes Vitamin A when consumed. If you spend a lot of time in the sun, carrots would repair your skin as well as provide protection from its brutal rays.
4. Water
Whenever I have a breakout, my first line of treatment is to increase my water consumption. Water is very effective at flushing out toxins in the body and hydrating your skin.
5. Kidney beans
If you struggle with pimples, increase your intake of Kidney beans. These are full of zinc which is known for preventing pimples.
6. Kale
I started to eat kale two years ago, mainly for its skin clearing attributes. I like it early in the morning in my daily smoothie. I’ve noticed the difference in my skin whenever I stop using it for a while. Kale is known to have anti-inflammatory effects as well as produces collagen. Check out my warm kale salad recipe here.
7. Alfalfa Sprouts
I love alfalfa sprouts in my salads, there are nutrient rich and excellent for clearing skin and pimple prevention.
8. Green Tea
Green tea provides protection from skin cancer.
9. Foods rich in Omega 3 fatty Acids
You can’t read a magazine article these days without mention of the numerous benefits of foods with omega 3 fatty acids. From weight management, belly fatty reduction to memory improvement. But Omega 3 fatty acids are also known to be an excellent source to protect and repair skin from the sun’s rays. Also, if your struggle with eczema and psoriasis consuming foods that are rich in omega 3 fatty acids can relieve these conditions. Avocados, walnuts, salmon, almonds, and flax seeds are all excellent sources of omega 3 fatty acids.
So I guess we can all agree, beauty is definitely skin deep.
Have you tried any of these foods for skin’s benefit? Share your experience below.