My Fall Natural Hair Regimen

My Fall Natural Hair Regimen

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Natural Hair Fall Regimen

This will be my fourth year natural and the fall season, my hair and I are all finally on the same page. Yay! Thanks to all those years of trial and error, this is my fall natural hair regimen and products that I  know works best for my hair during this season. I hope this information saves another natural time and money.

I must admit that I have not pre-poo’d (giggles) in a long time. It’s just so time-consuming and I usually wash my hair on a whim. But when I do pre-poo, I love to use Ayurveda oils such as Brahmi or Vatika.I will be reintroducing pre-poo to my regimen from my next wash. It’s a great way to treat dry scalp which is one of my problems during the colder months.

Kinky Curly Come Clean and DevaCurl Low Poo are my favorite shampoos for this time of year. They get my hair squeaky clean which is important in the fall as I tend to use heavier products.

Deep Condition
I HATE to deep condition my hair, I really do. It’s just a step that I enjoy skipping when no one is watching. But it’s a necessary evil, so I will be more disciplined and endure it.  My goal is to alternate between a protein and moisture DC every wash. I know that a lot of women with natural hair do not like protein DC but I have found that it helps me to maintain strong hair and my curl definition. These are my favorite Deep Conditioners for the colder months:

  • Jessicurl Weekly Deep Conditioning Treatment – This is the best of the best. I mean, so good that if some spills in my bathroom I freak out. It’s also expensive, but in my opinion (and my hair’s) it’s worth every single penny.
  • Carols Daughter Black Vanilla Moisturizing Conditioner – For shiny hair, there is no other. I will be using this especially when I plan to style in wash-n-go.
  • Every Strand Argan Oil Hydrating Hair Masque – My hair loves this stuff, makes it shiny and smooth.
  • Palmer Coconut Oil Deep Conditioning Protein Pack – Why doesn’t this come in a bottle? I have been using this product for years and I love it.


I will be wearing my hair in roller sets, curlformers, braid-outs and wash-n-goes. To achieve these styles, I will be using the following products:

  • Morrocon oil
  • Jojoba oil
  • Homemade Flaxseed Gel (find tutorials on YouTube)
  • Jane Carter Wrapping Lotion
  • 100% Shea Butter
  • Sheamoisture Curl Enhancing Smoothie
  • Kinky Curly Curling Custard

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All of the deep conditioners that I use are great for detangling. I steer clear of any product that isn’t good for detangling because my hair is very thick. I finish detanglng with the following products before styling and use them as leave-ins:

  • Giovanni Smooth as Silk – They couldn’t of came up with a better name for this conditioner. Combs love this conditioner, and I often wonder where it was when I was growing up. It’s true, it makes your hair smooth as silk and really easy to detangle. Just make sure you don’t slip in your bathroom when you rinse it out.
  • Kinky Curly Knot Today Another clever name. Knot Today is awesome. I stand in the natural aisle at Target hoping someone strikes up a conversation with me just to recommend this product. I especially love it for Kids. It makes detangling my daughter’s hair super easy.


Here is the thing, as a naturalista one of the most important things in your arsenal of products is a good refresher because ‘aint nobody got time to be braiding, twisting, washing and drying daily.

  • Oyin Juices and Berries This smells amazing. I love how shiny it makes my hair and that it’s a spray.
  • Carol’s Daughter Hair Milk Refresher Spray I plan on trying this product on the recommendation of a good friend. I am curious to see if it works better than the Oyin as it’s much more accessible to purchase.
  • Argan Oil I’m a simple girl when it comes to my hair, some days less is more and that’s when I just dab a little Argan oil and keep it moving.

Hair Cut

I am due for a trim and I think this will be a very important component of this regimen. It wouldn’t work if my ends aren’t healthy so I will be getting a trim and my hair shaped into a nice style. I am on the hunt for a good natural hair stylist in NYC, so if you know any please share your recommendations.

I’ll make sure to provide updates and pics.

 What is your fall regimen? What are your favorite products for the season?

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