Coconut Oil Uses For Mom and Baby


Okay, this may be the most random way to begin a post but I LOVE coconut oil! Within the last few weeks, that feeling has become increasingly stronger. I don’t want to weird you guys out too much, but I’m just a tad bit obsessed.  Now, I’m confused as to why more people don’t love coconut oil as much as I do. I mean it’s like a miracle oil, good for just about everything. So, I’m going to volunteer to be on the coconut oil PR team because I really don’t want to keep all the secrets to myself. I just ask one favor, don’t go buying all the jars off the shelves now. Leave me a few 😉

Since most of us here are moms, I figure I would get through to you by sharing coconut oil uses not just for yourself but also for your babies. So here we go!


For Mom

Let’s start with you. If you’re not taking care of yourself, you wouldn’t be able to take care of your baby. Coconut oil would soon be your bestie in this parenting life. Here’s why:

Moisturizer Mix

You know it’s getting cold around these parts and this is the time to up your moisturizer game. If you’re familiar with this New York City coldness you know that I can easily look like a crocodile if I don’t moisturize right so I always have some coconut oil mixed with shea butter on deck. The trick that’s worked like a charm for my skin is to allow my skin to air dry when I get out of the shower and then apply my little mixture. I really love the way it makes my skin feel and I really like using it at night before heading to bed.

Nail Care

Recently, I started using coconut oil to treat my nails. Listen, I am not proud to admit this, but my nails  were screaming out for some loving. Truth be told, my nails are usually the first thing that I  neglect when I get busy or feel overwhelmed.  I’ve been massaging my nails and cuticles with coconut oil daily for a few weeks now and they are definitely looking a whole lot bit better, thank you. I am hoping that this coconut oil treatment will make them as strong as I’ve heard it does. I will definitely post an update.

Pre-shampoo treatment (Pre-poo)

One of my tried and true methods of maintaining healthy and shiny hair is by doing a pre-shampoo treatment aka pre-poo regularly. For my pre-poo treatment, I apply coconut oil to my hair before using shampoo. By doing this, I add additional moisture to my hair before using products that would more likely strip my hair of it’s natural oils.

Face mask

I must admit that I’ve slacked off on using coconut oil on my skin. If you’ve been paying close attention to my photos you may have noticed that I have more acne than usual lately *tears* and I think this is one of the reasons. I like mixing coconut oil with castor oil and applying it to my skin. I usually leave it for a few minutes covering my face with a hot towel. Next I use the towel to wipe off all of the oil and then rinse it out. This always leaves my skin feeling clean and supple without that stripped feeling.


If your hair removal regimen includes shaving or waxing, you can use coconut oil for after care. Since it’s natural, you don’t have to worry about using it on sensitive areas on your bikini line or armpits. I’ve noticed less ingrown hairs since I switched to coconut oil.

Coconut and coconut oil on wooden table

For Baby

Now, that you’re feeling a bit better about yourself. Here are a few ways to use coconut oil for baby.

Bath Water

When my kids were babies I always made sure to add a tiny bit of coconut oil to their bath water. This always left their skin smooth and beautiful

Cradle Cap

Coconut oil works wonders for cradle cap, I’ve shared before how I got rid of my daughter’s cradle cap using coconut oil. Here is the post with exactly what I did.


A great way to calm down a cranky baby is with a massage. I used coconut oil to massage my kids when they were babies and they always helped them to relax.


These are some of my favorite ways to use coconut oil in my home for myself and by babies.


How do you use coconut oil?




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