Subway Tips For New York Moms

new york moms

This shop has been compensated by Collective Bias, Inc. and its advertiser. All opinions are mine alone. #MomsTrustHuggies #CollectiveBias


Living in New York City, there is no escaping the subway and the kids love riding it. We use the subway to get around this awesome city, especially when we are heading into Manhattan where traffic and parking isn’t always friendly to drivers. I’ve been a New York mom for almost five years and I’ve mastered the art of riding the subway with little kids. I wanted to share some of my hometown tips for riding the subway with a toddler. I know, it can be scary but I do it all the time with my 18 month old son. As cute as toddlers are, they require some extra planning if you want to have good ride, especially if you’re going more than five stops (around the time they start to get restless). So here are 7 subway tips for New York Moms:

Wipes on-the-go


Now, it’s no secret that I am a Mom In Heels. Hey, even on the subway, New York moms like to be stylish. That’s why I love the Huggies Natural Care Baby Wipes Clutch and Clean Carrying Case. These wipes caught my attention on a CVS run and I’ve been hooked since. The carrying case is so stylish, it keeps me looking like a cool mom while I’m riding around New York on the subway with my kids. When I am heading out with The Super Knight, I toss a diaper, Clutch and Clean Carrying Case and a snack in my bucket bag for him. If I have to clean up his face quickly before our stop I usually just carry the wipes like a wristlet which is convenient since I also have to carry my little guy. On days when he’s rolling in his stroller, I simply strap the Clutch and Clean Carrying Case to his stroller and roll away. What I absolutely love is that these wipes are fragrance free and hypoallergenic since my kids have very sensitive skin.#MomsTrustHuggies


Sit in the middle of the train car

My little guy loves to kneel and look outside the window especially on the elevated train tracks. When we sit in the middle he’s sure to be close to a window. Allowing him to look outside the window keeps him entertained and he loves pointing everything out for mommy. It’s a great learning experience for him. Another reason, I love to sit in the middle of car is a safety precaution. I love train performers but most of the fancier moves ie. more likely to hurt someone occurs by the doorway and I’m a protective mama bear so we enjoy the show from a distance.

Check the train schedule

Before leaving the house, I check to see if there are any subway delays or detours that would affect our trip. I also check the the schedule so my little guy doesn’t get bored waiting too long for a train.


Avoid Rush Hour

New York moms know that rush hour means super crowded trains. I know that it’s not always possible to completely avoid taking the train during rush hour but if you can it will save you some sanity and your child some anxiety. If I must use the subway during rush hour we try to leave home at least 15 minutes before peak time.


Always walk with a snack

Long train rides bore kids and bored kids love to ask for snacks during their subway ride. A small snack that’s not too messy that can easily be cleaned up with your Huggies Clutch and Clean is great to keep handy. I usually walk with a small packet of crackers or cheerios.

Check status of elevators

This is very important if you are going to be using a stroller and you don’t want to lift it up on average two flights of stairs. I always check to see if there will be an elevator at my stop or a stop close by on subway maps. You can also check the status of elevators to find out if they are in service or down.


Keep Your Metro Card Handy

Last but not least, keep your metrocard handy. Nothing makes your fellow commuters more impatient than you searching for your card. Plus, as a New York mom you don’t have the luxury of letting your kids wander off so this is very important.

One of the things that I LOVE about shopping for diapers and wipes at CVS is the savings. You can use this coupon to get discount off of Huggies products at CVS stores. Click here for CVS coupon.

Are you a New York Mom? What are your subway tips?

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