Gestational Diabetes

Dr Drai on gestational diabetes

Prior to my first pregnancy, I’d heard about Gestational diabetes (GDM) but knew very little about it.  I never considered it a possibility for me until I was diagnosed during my second trimester.

[Tweet “I have Gestational Diabetes? No. #GestationalDiabetes”]

When my doctor shared the news with me initially I felt scared because I knew any poor decisions or health choices on my part would affect my unborn child. However, I went from feeling scared to empowering myself with information; I did research and spoke with medical professionals to ensure that I was doing everything in my power to keep my baby healthy. This required me to eat clean, watch my portion sizes and monitor my glucose a few times a day. I wouldn’t lie, there were times when I felt overwhelmed but I kept my focus on my unborn daughter. It all paid off because she was born healthy and I was fortunate enough to have the diabetes go away not just then but not reoccur during my second pregnancy.

[Tweet “I didn’t want poor self-control or emotional eating to affect my baby #GestationalDiabetes”]

Although, I was able to manage my gestational diabetes I am no expert in this area so I wanted to feature a professional who our community can trust for answers.  That’s why I went to Dr. Drai , in case you don’t know Dr. Drai, he is one of the nation’s top board-certified OBGYNs and President of the National Osteopathic Medical Association.  He is also a practicing physician and teaching faculty member at Magee-Womens Hospital of The University of Pittsburgh Medical Center, one of the nation’s top five hospitals specializing in obstetrical and gynecological care. Here’s what Dr. Drai had to say about gestational diabetes:

Rattles & Heels:  What steps can you take to prevent gestational diabetes (GDM)?

Dr. Drai: “You can’t prevent gestational diabetes. It’s your placenta’s fault. You are at RISK if you Are Hispanic, African-American, Native American, Asian American, or Pacific Islander, Were overweight before your pregnancy, Have a family member with diabetes, Had GDM in a previous pregnancy, Had a previous very large baby (9 pounds or more) or a stillbirth, OR Have had abnormal blood sugar tests before.”

Rattles & Heels: Is glucose tolerance tests necessary in pregnancy?

Dr. Drai: “Yes-your DOC or midwife needs to know if you have GDM. If you do, there are risks to you and your baby that they must monitor. The only time this test isn’t necessary is if you are already a diabetic.”

[Tweet “If you have GDM. There are risks to you and your baby that must be  monitored #gestationaldiabetes.”]

Rattles & Heels: What are the risks of undetected gestational diabetes?

Dr. Drai:“You can have a very large baby which can require you to have a C-section. You are at risk of having the baby early. The baby can have breathing issues when born. Also these kids can have low blood sugar at birth. Babies can have an increased risk of diabetes and obesity later in life. Moms are at risk of having pre-eclampsia and being a true type 2 diabetic.”

Rattles & Heels: Does this diabetes go away once the baby is born?

Dr. Drai:You have a 50/50 chance.

I am grateful that Dr. Drai shared this precious information with the Rattles and Heels community because I am certain, that I am not the only mom in heels who’ve been diagnosed with gestational diabetes.

If you want to learn more about women’s health and pregnancy, check out Dr. Drai’s website

Were you diagnosed with gestational diabetes during your pregnancy? How did you manage it?


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[email protected] goldyn_erin