The Ergobaby 180 Reversible Stroller Fits the Urban Lifestyle

Ergobaby 180 Reversible Stroller For City Moms

This post is sponsored by Ergobaby. All opinions are my own. 

It’s summer, and our strolls are getting longer and more regular, so when I received the Ergobaby 180 Reversible Stroller a few weeks ago, the timing couldn’t be more perfect for my 7-month-old. We’ve strolled all over with this stroller and last week we were invited to hang out with a few mom friends in Brooklyn at a stroller meet-up which I shared on my social media last week. I wanted to share a few of the things that I love about the Ergobaby 180 Reversible Stroller for the city lifestyle:

Ergobaby 180 Reversible Stroller For City Moms Ergobaby 180 Reversible Stroller For City Moms Ergobaby 180 Reversible Stroller For City Moms

The Ergobaby 180 Reversible stroller Moves Sideways.

I have to mention that this stroller moves sideways first because this is my favorite feature of the Ergobaby 180 Reversible Stroller, especially as a New York City mom. I learned how to do this at the meet-up, and it’s made getting around with the baby very easy for me. I’ve used it at just about every narrow aisle or situation to move the stroller sideways quickly. It’s very convenient and a feature that I haven’t seen in any other stroller.

Spacious basket and a zipped pocket.

Since I am a city mom, my stroller is multipurpose. Almost every time we go out; I use it for storage for groceries, toys, library books, etc. The Ergobaby 180 Reversible stroller basket is spacious and holds everything we need. In addition to the basket, there is a zipped pocket behind the seat where I keep my wallet, mail, phone, and keys securely. It’s also much easier for me to access them when I need them than in the basket.

Easy to Assemble.

Since we have three kids, this isn’t our first stroller, but it’s the easiest assembly so far. I was able to do it with my kids in only a few minutes. The instructions were straightforward and easy to follow.

Ergobaby 180 Reversible Stroller For City Moms

The option of baby facing mom or the world.

I am a big fan of strollers that give my babies the option to face me, so that was the number one thing that attracted me to the 180 Reversible Stroller. Just like with her siblings, I can talk to her show her things, and she feels secure when she can see me. There are studies that support that facing baby helps their development. This baby loves to keep her eyes on her siblings too so if they’re walking ahead of us or on their scooters she likes facing them but when she needs me, I can reverse the handlebar (without switching the seat), and she’s happy again.

Ergobaby 180 Reversible Stroller For City Moms Ergobaby 180 Reversible Stroller For City Moms

One hand fold.

In the past, I’ve had to take a stroller apart into two pieces to fold. Not the Ergobaby 180 Reversible Stroller, I can just fold the stroller by pulling the handle. This also makes it easy to carry and store the stroller. It’s equally comfortable to unfold it while holding your baby in the other hand. Check out the video demonstrations here.

Ergobaby 180 Reversible Stroller For City Moms

Sun Canopy

In the past, I’ve had to purchase a sun canopy for the baby in the summer. I love that the Ergobaby 180 Reversible Stroller comes with a giant sun canopy that protects my little girl from the elements.

Car seat compatible.

If you have an infant and would like to use an infant car seat with the stroller, the Ergobaby 180 Reversible Stroller is compatible with Graco, Chicco, Britax, Nuna & Cybex Car Seats.

Ergobaby 180 Reversible Stroller For City Moms

Ergobaby is currently offering a promotional bundle where if you buy the 180 Reversible Stroller in June, you will receive an Egobaby Omni 360 Carrier for FREE. Get the bundle here.

Ergobaby 180 Reversible Stroller For City Moms

This post was sponsored by Ergobaby.






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