It’s Shoe Time! Time to Learn to Tie Shoelaces

It’s Shoe Time! Time to Learn to Tie Shoelaces

Thank you to our sponsor Disney-Hyperion!

It’s Shoe Time! Do your little ones know how to pick out their shoes and how to tie their shoelaces yet? That’s regular topic at our home these days as we prepare my son for Kindergarten next fall. My son hasn’t been thrilled about shoe time although he’s able to dress all by himself. As every parent knows, nothing gets kids more motivated than their favorite fictional characters so when we received the newest book in the Elephant & Piggie Like Reading! series, It’s Shoe Time! by Bryan Collier, I felt like the literary powers were smiling on us. If you’re not familiar with the Elephant & Piggie Like Reading! series, it’s special stories that Elephant and Piggie  love and introduce to us. It’s Shoe Time! is the fourth book in the series and was released last month on November 7th.


It’s Shoe Time! is equal parts inspirational and funny to my son. He discovered a bit about self-expression and independence through the characters, a beautiful little brown girl like my kids (the diversity makes me very happy) and the shoes who compete for her attention. She ultimately decides to wear two mismatched shoes which it turns out her dad also does.  The first time we read it, my son reminded me that he always chooses matching shoes so I made it a point to celebrate that with him and remind him that all we need to do now is learn to tie his laces. I assured him it wasn’t hard and made him this craft inspired by Elephant and Piggie as I knew seeing his beloved characters would encourage him to practice tying his laces.

Materials you’ll need for this craft:

  • Construction Paper
  • Scissors
  • Hole Punch
  • Shoelaces
  • Glue
  • Pencil
  • Marker


  1. Using the method we learned from We Are in an ART-ivity Book!, we drew Elephant & Piggie.
  2. Draw shoes of choice, you can design any style of shoes you want.
  3. Glue the shoes on the feet of the characters.
  4. Punch holes for the laces
  5. Lace up the shoes and give it to your kids to play and practice.


How do you make shoe time fun? Do you have any special hacks for teaching kids to tie their laces?

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