Happy New Year!
You’re probably reading this thinking “Adanna, it’s the 6th” so yes I’m a little bit late but I’m asking your forgiveness. Let me tell you, I’ve been in a deep state of reflection over the past few days. If you remember from my previous birthday post, this is also my personal new year.
[Tweet “I’ve been thinking, I’ve been thinking #BeyonceVoice #2016”]It’s my rebirth period so I took a step back to live in the moment and evaluate all aspects of my life. When I say every aspect, I mean every aspect. I did lots of journaling (not all at once LOL) it’s the most I’ve written with a pen since I got a laptop but it was cathartic and I feel renewed. More importantly, I was able to put my plan for 2016 together. 2015 was a marvelous year for me and my family but I want to 2016 to be much better, I want 2016 to make 2015 really jealous and I know that’s going to happen. So, here are my 5 major goals for this year and how I plan to achieve them:
[Tweet “I want 2016 to make 2015 really jealous “]1. Get Healthier
Did I see you roll your eyes? I know it’s everyone’s goal to get healthier every January. You’ve even been there with me a few times. Is it okay if we put the past behind us? Here I’m going to share something that I’ve only shared on Periscope (you better follow me). In 2015, I had lots of successes but in the process, I neglected my body. I found myself started eating mindlessly and resorting back to foods that I stopped eating years ago. I gained weight which didn’t bother me much but I also developed high cholesterol which was definitely a big wake-up call. My doctor told me that she was so disappointed to see me go from losing 30 and 60 lbs respectfully having my babies and maintaining a healthy weight to get to developing high cholesterol (awkward smile). Yeah, it’s wack but I’m human. So without being angry with myself or remorseful, I am excited to get back healthy this year.
Now, here is the important part. Just how am I going to get healthier? Well, I decided to focus on one thing at a time. Getting my cholesterol back to healthy level is my priority so I have been doing research and increasing my intake of foods that would lower my cholesterol this like oats, tea, garlic and avocado. I’ve also started to exercise again, so far I’ve exercised 3 days out of the new year and I am really proud of myself. My goal is to exercise 3-4 days a week.
2. Become a full-fledged morning person
I feel like I’ve dabbled in the morning person world a lot in 2015 but I didn’t fully commit to it. With so much to do at night, it’s tempting to stay up and tackle everything in those distraction-free hours but the truth is that I just can’t do it any longer. I feel so much better when I go to bed on time and wake up early, I’m actually writing this at 4 am. When I wake up early I feel much more creative than after a long day with the kids. Back in the summer, I shared how much more energized I feel when I wake up early (I was waking up early all the time then) and I’ve been doing so since the year started and it feels great.
To make sure this happens, I am going to go to bed at night early for the latest 10:30 pm.
3. Travel
My kids haven’t taken been on an international trip yet and my daughter will be 6 this year so it’s time for us to get going. I’m going to share a few of the destinations that I have in mind for our family in another post but I am very excited to take the little ones around the world with us. My action plan for our travel is to prepare as much as possible. Our plan is to travel this summer, so I am going to be collecting as much information as possible, learning about our destinations, developing a budget and saving for our trip. I’m looking forward to our family counting down and really enjoying a new experience and, I know that it will be enriching for the kids lives. Of course, I am going to share it all with you.
4. Family fun
One of my goals for this year is to have more planned family fun. The kids are getting older and it’s very important to me that they have a happy memorable childhood. I’m going to designate Friday nights as our family night so we could have some special bonding time. I have a few creative ideas outside of the norm that I’m excited to share with you.
5. Learn to swim
Back in November, I shared that I still don’t know how to swim. I’ve been planning to learn but I kept putting it off over the years. Watch out for me paddleboarding, swimming with dolphins and learning to dive once I conquer swimming. I’m going to catch up on all the fun that I’ve been missing out on.
6. New experiences
I am a firm believer in having experiences over things and this year I really plan to live that out to a whole new level. I’m going to do a few things that I never did before that I always wanted to do but was a bit scared (hello, rock climbing).
7. Read more books
2015 was the least I ever read, I only read 2 1/2 books. They were pretty good books but that’s not enough for me, in 2016, I plan to read at least one book a month. The book that I am currently reading is called Where Will You Be Five Years from Today? by Dan Zadra and Kristel Wills. It’s really a workbook and I am using it to map out a 5-year plan for my life. So far, I am loving it because some of my big lofty goals like travelling to all 5 continents don’t seem that scary when I break it down into a 5-year plan. I’m going to be gifting all my friends this book for their birthdays and I am excited to open it up in January 2020 and look at how far I’ve come from writing down my plans in January 2015.
What are your goals for the new year?