Reader Survey: I Want To Know You Better


Do you know that I’ve been blogging and sharing my family with you wonderful ladies for over two and a half years?  Big shout out to those of you who’ve been rocking with me from the very start. Most of you already know lots about me (if you’re new, catch up here) but I want to get to know you a bit more than what Google Analytics tells me so I would love for you to take this very short survey.

Click here to take Rattles and Heels reader survey

Why should you even bother to take this survey?

It’s simple I want to share posts that are relevant to your needs. You know what you enjoy and need more than I do so why not let me know so I can share more of those posts. I want to make sure that Rattles and Heels is meaningful to your life in some way.

ps: Some of the questions on the survey are personal like your kids age groups and your annual income so I want to assure you it’s completely anonymous (there is no way for me to know who completed the survey) so feel free to share your truth 🙂

Take the survey here or below.

I’m so grateful to you all.


Make sure to catch up on all of my latest posts here.

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[email protected] bua