3 Ways To Wear A Scarf

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As my beloved summer weather transitions into cooler fall temperatures, I’m perking myself up with dark lippies and plaid. Last week, I found myself in my husband’s closet looking for his red and black lumberjack shirt that I love to rock, I searched and searched and later he revealed that he hid it from me because I had worn it more than him. He’s such a hater! So, I took my little lumberjack less self to my favorite place, Target to cheer myself up.  As the law of attraction (or fall fashion) would have it Target has a Mad for Plaid collection this fall.  I picked up the limited-edition bottle of LISTERINE® Zero in Red Plaid, a new plaid scarf, and a magazine for inspiration. Of course, I had to show off my new scarf and show you a few ways to wear a scarf this fall.


#1: The Faux Infinity Scarf


I love infinity scarves and they are on trend right now but if you don’t have one don’t stress, you can fake it until you make it. Like you would probably imagine, this is very easy. I made a very small knot using two small bits from both ends of my scarf. If you use too much of a big piece, the knot will show under your hair where you will tuck it.

#2: Thread the Needle 


I like to call this way of wearing my scarf  Thread The Needle since it’s a similar to threading a needle. To do this, I fold my scarf and then make a loop with one end as shown above. fall-scarf-tutorial

Next, I pull the other end through the loop.


#3: The Loosey Goosey

I love wearing my scarf in The Loosey Goosey because I don’t have the giraffe neck that I desire so I have to fake it. Instead of looking like there is no separation between my head and my shoulders this style elongates my neck to look like supermodel Iman (okay that’s a mild exaggeration).


One way I don’t wear my scarf unless when it’s really cold out is covering my mouth. Firstly, it makes me feel like I will suffocate and whenever, I see someone do wear their scarf over their mouth I can’t help but think that it’s to disguise not so pleasant breath. I know, I know that’s so wrong, but that’s what comes to mind. I hope I don’t sound “judgey” because I am aware that different things can cause bad breath and it can happen to anyone. Personally, I try to stay on top of my dental hygiene by visiting my dentist every 6 months, brushing and flossing twice a day and using mouthwash. I’ve been using LISTERINE® practically all of my life and I trust it’s bacteria killing power. I learned back when I was wearing braces as a teenager that brushing alone misses 75% of bacteria in your mouth so it’s very important to use an antiseptic mouthwash like LISTERINE® to clean your mouth.


You can find the Limited edition bottle of LISTERINE® outfitted in plaid at Target until October 31. If you don’t have the Target cartwheel app yet, you need to download it ASAP. You can save 10% off with this Cartwheel offer until 10/31. Trust me, you would love how cool these bottles look on your skin. It gives a great fall vibe!

Which of these three ways to wear your scarf in the fall is your favorite?

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