The Super Knight’s Off To Nursery School

My little guy selected these True Religion Kids pieces and they were gifted to him. 

Last Friday, my son The Super Knight turned 3. It only hit me that he was turning 3 about a month ago because I’ve always thought of him as my baby. Turning 1 and 2 was okay, those were still “baby” ages but now that he’s 3 he’s kid. I mean he’s off to school in September. Let’s go over that again, he’s starting school in September.  I’m both anxious and excited as we prepare for his first day. As I mentioned before he is growing really quickly and at 85% percentile for height in his age bracket he’s a tall boy. He’s also very fearless (except when dogs get too close to him LOL) and loves to investigate new things and places.


He’s going to be wearing uniforms (I know so cute) but I’ve been stocking up on comfy pieces for dress down days and weekends.  He’s a bit picky about clothes so a few weeks ago when we checked out True Religion’s kids fall collection, I asked him to select his favorite pieces. He chose this Buddha inspired tee and jeans which I think is just adorable on him.


His favorite person is his big sister and when she told him how cute his outfit was he started to blush. I love watching their interactions as they celebrate each other ever so often. I think it’s important that they grow up supporting each other.


As we approach this new chapter in his life, I am allowing him the space to be himself and embrace this big transition.  For instance, I’ve noticed that this car has become very important to him and he’s been putting it in his new lion backpack. I’m okay with letting him take a little bit of himself to school if it helps him feel more comfortable. I know even as an adult, I need photos of my family and little reminders of all the love my life is filled with when I am at work.




How did you help your 3-year-old transition to nursery school?

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